Universität Bonn

Agrar-, Ernährungs- und Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Fakultät


26.08.2025 bis 29.08.2025 Hörsaalzentrum (Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5, 53115 Bonn) on the Poppelsdorf Campus,

In its plenary sessions, the Bonn 2025 Congress will focus on the generally acknowledged need for food system transformation to achieve global sustainability goals. There will be an emphasis in the plenary sessions on how agricultural economics can assist the agrifood system in rising to the challenges posed by conflicting and competing interests. The contributed paper and poster sessions, as well as organized symposia, will reflect the broader activities of our community and will hence have a wider scope than the plenary sessions. Notably, part of the Bonn 2025 Congress program will be devoted to a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the EAAE. It will provide an opportunity to look back on our past, reflect on the present and anticipate our future contributions. The Congress is the discipline’s premier networking event in Europe, providing the foundation for long-term collaboration in research and teaching and a forum to initiate and foster a meaningful impact for the discipline.

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