Best prospects!
What happens after graduating with a Bachelor‘s degree? Master‘s degree, career entry – we show you various options.
Master study programs

M.Sc. Agricultural and Food Economics
Specialize in the economics of agricultural and food markets.

M.Sc. Nutritional Sciences
Deepen your knowledge in the field of nutritional sciences.

M.Sc. Molecular Food Technology
Deeper insights into food technology and food science.
Career prospects
You can take up professional activities along the entire food processing chain, such as
independent activities in the areas of product application, development and consulting
Activities in the areas of production, product development and technology in food companies
Information and consulting activities in the food industry, at consumer associations, state and municipal advice centers in the health sector
Teaching and training activities in adult education institutions, hospitals and the food industry
Journalistic work in scientific publishing houses, PR and advertising agencies
Responsible activities in nutrition teams
Activities in sales and marketing
Quality management and quality assurance in the food industry
Responsible activities in community catering companies (catering, hospitals)

Career Service
The Career Service of the University of Bonn offers numerous events on the topics of career orientation and career planning. Take a look.

Job advertisements
Current internship and job advertisements are available on eCampus.

Alumni Network
Stay in touch with us. You can join the alumni network ette University of Bonn free of charge.

You will find a wealth of helpful information on the website of the Professional Association of Ecotrophology.

GDL e.V.
The Gesellschaft Deutscher Lebensmitteltechnologen e.V. provides valuable information for you.