With interdisciplinary facilities in practice and research, the University of Bonn is broadly positioned both nationally and internationally - far beyond faculty, university and national borders.
Regional Netzworks
Through the networking of the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences at various regional levels, research topics are developed and specialist knowledge in teaching and research is transferred into practice.

Environmentally compatible and site-appropriate agriculture (USL)
The aim of the USL teaching and research focus is to research environmentally friendly production processes.

NRW-Agrar Research Network
The research network has the task of strengthening cooperation between the participating institutions.

Geoscience Network ABC/J
Scientific alliance of the Universities of Bonn, Cologne, Aaachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Cluster of Excellence "PhenoRob"
Together with Forschungszentrum Jülich, the University of Bonn is researching methods and new technologies to observe, analyze, better understand and specifically treat plants in the Cluster of Excellence "PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production".
Collaborative Research Center 1502 - "DETECT"
The CRC 1502 combines the strengths of the University of Bonn and its project partners to address one of the most challenging questions in understanding climate change. Current climate models cannot adequately explain the observed patterns of hydrological change and need to be improved by building a new model system.

BIGS - Land and Food
The Graduate School combines research at the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences with an interdisciplinary study program.

Didactics of agriculture, nutrition and home economics
Education for the teaching profession at vocational colleges in agriculture and nutrition / home economics.

Bonn Alliance for
Sustainability Research /
Innovation Campus Bonn
Strengthening knowledge and skills for sustainable development.

The foundation promotes the exchange of ideas and experience between members of the faculty and members of the Theodor Brinkmann Foundation.