Young Researchers
You are thinking about a career in science and research? Then you will find an overview of the offers for young reserachers at the Faculty of Agriculture on these pages.

© Volker Lannert | Uni Bonn
BIGS Land and Food
The graduate school combines research at the Faculty of Agriculture with an interdisciplinary study program.

© Volker Lannert | Uni Bonn
Doctorate office
You would like do a doctorate at the faculty? We have compiled all the necessary information on the procedure for you.

© Meike Boeschemeyer | Uni Bonn
Active support and guidance throughout the entire postdoc phase to help you plan your personal and professional future.
Dr. Susanne Plattes
Advisor - Research and career development
Meckenheimer Allee 172
53115 Bonn
© Susanne Plattes